There are a number of studies suggesting
the needed conditions for a successful development of a citizen-centered e-Government.
They recommend a strong political and technical high level leadership, the
assurance of an optimal level of infrastructure and access to technologies used
regularly by citizens according to their capacity of technological management and
a broad domain of the available technologies in use or in development by third

Defenders of the mGovernment
argue that the ubiquity of these devices can help undertaking efficient public Governmental
information services virtually anytime and anywhere. An example of such
beneficial use would be the sending of massive warnings to citizens registered
through SMS, or short message services in an emergency.
The technology in use and under
development witnesses that smartphones, mobile smart, have eight times higher rate
than that in the adoption of the Internet. Currently more of these devices are sold
than PCs and users connecting to the world wide network through mobile devices
are already two times as many than those doing it through fixed computers.
In terms of navigation and
according to comScore in 2011 non computer
type devices; i.e. mobile phones, tablets, and other connected devices reached
an average of 2.6% of all the activity of web browsing in 10 Latin American
markets. However in Colombia the use of tablets registers a rate close to 40%
of the Web traffic generated in devices other than a PC. Brazil shows the
highest percentage of traffic from tablets with 39.9%, while Chile showed the
percentage of highest web traffic coming from mobile phones with 78.8%.
Additionally, an increased use of
messaging in terms of e-mail is verified in the region and especially shifting
to geolocation apps related to social networking services. According to a study
of Evermind, 40% of entrepreneurs have attempted to develop a corporate mobile
application in 2012 to position their organizations and adapt to this new way
of offering services, selling and interacting with the target audience. But, what
do public administrators and politicians think of this?
The preference by citizens of
such technologies warns about the right tools that Governments, particularly in
Latin America and the Caribbean, should be developing to successfully reach their
people. Some examples of such applications in the public sector are exposed
below, especially the georeferenced ones, also pointing out challenges that the
development of these initiatives in a strategic level of e-Government means.
Through an open government
initiative, Buenos Aires Apps 2012, thought to create an ecosystem for
innovators to improve the city, "Buenos Aires Cortes (cuts)" was developed.
This is an application that sends notifications to mobile phones in real time alerting
about demonstrations and other street blockades carried out in this participative south american an city. Up
to now the app is available on Android; it shows the map of cuts, “piquetes”
and protesters from the city as well as the mobility status of trains, subways (subte),
avenues and accesses to Buenos Aires. This development considers cuts (cortes) to
blockades by public or private works, fire, demonstrations or protests, clashes,
police lines, filming activities or traffic lights out of service.
Case study 2:Becycling
The idea was brought up by three
Chileans seeking to give value to each journey that people in Santiago took
with their bike in the city. Their aim is to provide advocate information to
public or private institutions so that they justify financing new
infrastructures for cyclists, helping to a greater appreciation of this means
of transport, a real new alternative of urban mobility. The application also has
other benefits, such as information about services for cyclists and a panic
button to use in case of accident or theft of the bicycle.
Case study 3: SITP Routes Map of Bogotá
The challenges that these developments face towards a successful e-government strategy can be summarized in the following:
- To build enough adaptative technical skills for planners of mgov mobile applications , in order to ensure universality of access, not only through the promotion and support for the adoption of smart phones but also having a variety of operating systems versions such as iOS, Simbian, Android, RIM or others.
- To provide assurance of the privacy of the information given by the citizen avoiding to use personal data inappropriately between different government departments.
- To accomplish inclusion of data field collection processes and updating of data protocols in order to ensure reliability and accuracy, especially in operations and their corresponding services such as schedules of routes or quality faults, accidents, road safety, etc.
- To pursue a culture of free and open exchange of interoperable qualitative geographic data, both to standardize street names as axes of transit, commercial shops and points of urban interest, urban blocks, new buildings or closed streets.
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